
Tuesday 1 January 2019

Scottish Cornish sardines

As the Newlyn sardine netter, Lyonesse makes her way out to fish for the night...

it appears that sometimes the supermarkets seem not to know their Scottish salmon from their Cornish sardines - unless there's a new Scottish sardine fishery that we've not heard of before?

Editor Footnote: Seems there's more to this than meets the eye - in fact these are not sardines at all but can be called Scottish Sardines because they are not actual sardines as in, Sardina Pilchardus - go figure!

In fact these 'Brisling Sardines' are actually 'spratts' (that's sprats with two ts!) re-badged as Scottish sardines by ethical fish suppliers Fish4Ever - find out more by following the link. As brislings is another name for sprats then you could say they are actually sprat sardines - although just to add to the confusion anther name for brisling or sprats is Russian Sardines! Time to consult the definitive book, North Atlantic Seafood methinks!