
Friday 18 January 2019

It's raining, fish on #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

Pitch black and wet start to #FishyFriday in Newlyn with Ocean Harvest, the latest inshore trawler to join the local fleet drying out on the hard for some maintenance later in the day...

a hazard of fishing for cuttlefish is the amount of ink that is then released from very grumpy cuttles inside the cod end as the trawl is hauled resulting in many fish being covered in the powerful sepia ink - unsightly maybe but entirely edible...

buyers crowd...

 round just the single landing of hake...

from the Joy of Ladram...

while the beam trawlers landed a mix of quality fish like these red mullet and bream...


John Dory...

the Trevessa IV picked up a good haul of ray...

while the Sapphire III landed its usual box of big bass...

unusually for a netter the Joy of Ladram sneaked in a few kilos of huge Dovers...

the beam trawl fleet do their best to keep the local crabbers in bait by landing dogfish and small gurnards...

the big netter also landed a big shot of whiting...

and, very exceptionally, an even bigger shot of bass...

Trevessa IV took advantage of fine weather and good fishing with a huge haul of megrim sole...

and monk tails...

while the wreck netter Britannia V  picked up good hauls of pollack...

and coley...

even more bait...

the Sapphire III had good plaice fishing...

unaffected by cuttles, immaculate undulate ray from the Annie May...

spiders and monk...

cuttlefish ink running away from the tubs...

taking the morning's purchases away...

plenty of interest in the big bass haul form the netter by the buyers...

down the quay the beam trawler Resurgam has more than enough...

to keep the crew busy later today sorting out this little tangle in the safe waters of the harbour.