
Monday 28 January 2019

It's not that cold on Monday morning's market here in Newlyn

With a full on strong gale over the weekend some merchants were left to scratch their heads in disbelief at the prices being paid on Monday morning's market...

even for fish like these mackerel caught by a few hardy line fishermen in St Ives Bay...

and especially for top quality fish like these John Dory...

monk fish tails...

or even these Dover monk fish tails...

the Twilight III as one of a handful of beam trawlers to put fish ashore...

which included some early season undulate ray...

the odd bass...

and a smattering of scallops and octopi...

three stacks of mackerel, a good day's work for one small boat...

big tub gurnards are right up there now with the quality league and much sought after by some chefs...

name that fish...

many smaller gurnards still go for crab pot bait...

thereby hangs a tail or three...

limited supplies of big white fish come from beam trawl landings...

and a handful of specimen squid to go with...

some sweet looking tails...

an inky glaze on the market floor is a tell-tale sign of heavy cuttlefish landings...

and an inky sky as a result of a weekend of heavy weather promises to break later in the day...

which will see the guys on the Sapphire II back down aboard the boat and a full day's work putting the trawl together again...

as the first of the netters... 

pumps ice aboard well before first light...

as netter crews muster aboard the rest of the fleet down the quay.