
Monday 7 January 2019

First Monday morning market in Newlyn

With the spell of fine weather running into its second week the market floor was full of fish this morning...

although there were only limited supplies of MSC Certified Cornish hake from the Stelissa...

inshore boats and beam trawlers added to the wide range of species landed...

including these silver darlings...

a boxful of congers...

handfuls of red mullet...

and squid from the Imogen III...

while the big beam trawler Billy Rowney weighed in with a big trip of white fish which included plenty of good sized megrim...

and Dover soles...

outside the market there was clear evidence that many 1000s of kg of cuttlefish had been landed...

along with plaice...

lemon soles...

and even more plaice from the Sapphire II...

more thn enough to keep Stevenson's chief auctioneer busy...

auctioning superb quality fish like...

these John Dory fought over...

by two of the buyers in the market...

with plenty of good flats to come...

and a demonstration of the crane position lifting technique...

name the fish with the single barbel...

in pristine-white condition, the mighty-mouthed turbot...

red mullet and black bream, quality fish...

monk cheeks make great eating...

as do the fresh mackerel, of which there are abundant supplies at the moment...

unlike the elusive bass which are much harder to find and catch...

superb monk tails...

and the odd box of scallops came from the Sapphire III...

handsome hake...

she's all set to go aground - a classic Cornish 'tosher' built for Harvey's Shellfish back in the 70s to fish for crab in the summer and handline mackerel in the winter.