
Wednesday 19 December 2018

Winding down for Christmas, it's the penultimate fish market of 2018 in Newlyn.

The netters Ajax...

and Silver Dawn...

landed their final hake trips...

while the beam trawlers like the Fildelfia do their bit to keep the local crabber fleet supplied with bait...

and the merchants well supplied for Christmas with quality fish like these brill...

cuckoo ray...

red gurnard and red mullet...

John Dory...


and even a few bass for the Aaltje Adriaantje...

along with a good run of plaice...

while the Lisa Jacqueline weighed in with some cracking lemons...

and monk...

and added to the Dover sole landings along with the Filadelfia...

together with a few boxes of cuttles...

take the money or lift the box...

the buyers are looking at the penultimate auction of the year...

which has seen more of these gree-eyed...

spur-finned dogfish than for many years landed to the market...

once conger eels were landed by the tn when there was a longline fleet working in the port - Bill Tonkin and the Bonny Mary once caught 660st (4000kg) from a single night's fishing...

longliners also targeted ray and skate back in the 60s & 70s...

as the netter fleet ties up for the big spring tide over Christmas...

it's good to see skipper Dwan make an effort to inject some festive spirit aboard the boat...

along with some of the workshops down the quays...

over in Penzance Dry Dock the Scillonian III is still undergoing her annual refit...

while the Coop makes a delivery for the Scillys supply ship, Gry Maritha...

as Tom maintains his ever-watchful eye over the Western Approaches.