
Wednesday 5 December 2018

Watch live today - Fishermen and conservation groups share views on EU’s ban on fish discards

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The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee continues their inquiry into the implementation and enforcement of the EU landing obligation.

Witnesses on Wednesday 5 December 

Committee Room 2, Palace of Westminster

At 10.15am
  • Jim Pettipher, CEO, Coastal Producer Organisation
  • Jeremy Percy, Director, New Under Ten Fishermens Association (NUTFA)
  • Graeme Searle, Fisherman
  • Graham Doswell, Fisherman
At 11.15am
  • Helen McLachlan, Fisheries Programme Manager, WWF-UK
  • Samuel Stone, Head of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Marine Conservation Society


The EU landing obligation has applied to some specific fish stocks since 2015, but from January 2019 it will apply to virtually all fish. It means fishermen will have to land all the fish they catch, rather that discarding fish they don't want back into the sea. Fishermen are concerned about the impact this will have on their livelihoods, but conservation groups say it is key to protecting the marine environment. Questions have also been raised about the Government's ability to enforce compliance with the landing obligation, given that it will require significant levels of at-sea monitoring. 

Likely areas of questioning

  • How significant a change is the landing obligation, and why is it important?
  • What has been the impact of the landing obligation to date, and what is the likely impact when it comes fully into force in January?
  • What are the challenges posed by the landing obligation, and how might they be overcome?
  • Is the UK ready to fully implement the landing obligation in January?