
Thursday 6 December 2018

Watch live! - MSC Landing Obligation seminar.

Watch the seminar
We are hosting a seminar on the obligation legislation in Brussels on 6 December from 10:00 CET. We will be showing the seminar live here.

The new EU landing obligation comes in to effect in 2019. The MSC is working with stakeholders to understand and prepare for this new EU law.

What is the EU landing obligation?
The EU landing obligation requires all EU catches of regulated commercial species on-board to be landed and counted against quota. These are species under TAC (Total Allowance Catch, and so called quotas) or, in the Mediterranean, species which have a MLS (minimum landing size, such as mackerel which is regulated by quotas; and gilthead sea bream regulated by size).

This new obligation comes in to effect in a phased approach during 2019.

Preparing for the EU landing obligation
MSC certified fisheries must comply with all relevant laws as a key condition of certification to the MSC Fisheries Standard. Therefore, the MSC is working with stakeholders to understand and prepare for this new EU law and ensure MSC certified fisheries can continue to be certified and maintain supplies of sustainable seafood.