
Wednesday 12 December 2018

Live from Parliament - Scrutiny of the 2018 Fisheries Bill and the Landing Obligation committee meetings.

Implementation and enforcement of the EU landing obligation

This morning live from the Environment Committee meeting: Implementation and enforcement of the EU landing obligation


Witness(es): Mr John Tuckett, CEO, Marine Management Organisation Mr Michael Coyle, Head of Compliance and Control, Marine Management Organisation Mr Julian Roberts, Head of Future Fisheries , Marine Management Organisation Mr Allan Gibb, Head of Sea Fisheries Division, Marine Scotland

And running at the same time in another committee room:

The Fisheries Bill receives another reading:

The morning session:

Witnesses: Chris Williams, Senior Programme Manager, New Economics Foundation, Dr Thomas Appleby, representative, Blue Marine Foundation, and Martin Salter, Head of Campaigns, The Angling Trust
Witnesses: Helen McLachlan, representative, Greener UK, Dr Abigail McQuatters-Gollop, Lecturer in Marine Conservation, University of Plymouth

Starting 9:30am there were two panels discussing the #fisheriesbill

Panel 1:
- Chris Williams @NEF
- Dr Thomas Appleby @Bluemarinef
- Martin Salter @AnglingTrust

Panel 2:
- Dr Abigail McQuatters-Gollop @anaturalstate
- Helen McLachlan @wwf_uk

The afternoon session:


The Committee have heard from a range of witnesses, including fishermen, conservation organisations and fisheries researchers, about the EU landing obligation. The obligation, which comes fully into force from January 2019, require fishermen to land all fish they catch rather than discard some back into the sea. The Committee have heard concerns about the impact this will have on fishermen’s livelihoods and about the difficulties there will be in monitoring compliance with the new rules.

Likely areas of questioning

  • Is the UK ready and able to fully implement the landing obligation from January?
  • What additional resources will be needed to monitor compliance?
  • What steps are being taken to protect the fishing industry, and how will this be balanced with the need to protect fish stocks and prevent overfishing?
  • What impact will leaving the EU have on implementing the landing obligation?


George Eustice MP, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Anne Freeman, Deputy Director for Domestic Fisheries and Reform, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Room 5, Palace of Westminster