
Monday 3 December 2018

Monday morning market in Newlyn is loaded with hake!

Dark as a cow's guts in Newlyn this morning...

as the buyers give well over 1000 boxes...

of hake the once-over...

and the odd cod...

those teeth weren't made for talking...

good to see a few blackjacks on the grounds...

lesser spotted dogfish are used for bait by the local crabbing fleet...

buyers busy bidding on several ons of mackerel landed over the weekend form the handline fleet in t Ives...

the odd John ory are still to be had this late in the year...

along with a few pristine bass...

and a brace of cod...

it's a shame the BBC cameras weren't here this morning to see a market full of quality fish...

like these big mackerel...

red bream...

bass, pollack, cod...

and grey mullet...

the only beam trawler to put fish ashore had a few plaice to go with...

slack fishing on the cuttles...

along with a few boxes of lemon sole and monk...

and a few dozen brill...

and just the one box of ray...

to go with the one box of megrim sole...

a few big monk tails...

and a handful of Dovers...

there's till not much light from the new moon over the harbour...

 boxes of bait waiting on the quay for Ben to take a way with him on the crabber, Nimrod...

along with some re-furbished pots...

if a boat uses a net to catch fish sure as eggs is eggs there's mending to be done...

the slow inexorable drip of time passing.