
Friday 28 December 2018

Let's hope every exporter of fish read this at the time:

Action required by exporters of fish and animal products to the European Union post-Brexit

Read the letter first:

Food business operators exporting fish or other products of animal origin (POAO) to the EU have been asked to provide certain information to the Food Standards Agency (FSA) by Wednesday 12 December to ensure that these exports can continue in the event of a ‘no deal’ EU exit.

In a letter to UK-approved food business operators dated 26 November, the FSA indicate that in the event of a no deal Brexit – which they stress they believe is unlikely – the UK would need to apply to be listed by the EU as a ‘third country’ in order to export fish, shellfish and other POAO to the EU.

To enable an application to be submitted by Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) on behalf of the UK, producers who export POAO to the EU; who supply products subsequently exported to the EU; or who wish to do so in the near future - must provide certain information to the FSA:

  • Confirmation that they would like to be included on the list of approval to export POAO into the EU.
  • Product(s) and volume of material exported to the EU over the last 12 months and the number of consignments dispatched to the EU.
  • Product(s) and volume of material produced in the last 12 months that is not exported.
  • Approval number.
  • Name, address email and telephone number.

This information should be sent to by Wednesday 12 December 2018. Failure to respond by the deadline may mean food business operators having to stop exporting POAO until a future revision of the list can be approved by the EU.

For further information contact Ruiseart Doig, EU Listings Project Officer, Food Standards Agency, at