
Saturday 8 December 2018

Cefas Fisheries Science Programme update for 2019.

Cefas sampling Dover sole otoliths on Newlyn fish market.

Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP)

We want to involve more fishermen in commissioning science projects that will benefit the industry through improved fisheries data or stock assessments and through innovative ideas on gear technology.
To achieve these objectives, the programme will:
  • deliver demonstration projects that support implementation of Common Fisheries Policy reform, particularly on the landing obligation
  • provide information from commercial fishing catches on key stocks to supplement data sources traditionally used in ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Seas) assessments
  • investigate concerns raised by fishermen on scientific assessments or on fish stocks not currently assessed
  • investigate innovative scientific methods and/or more selective/environmentally friendly fishing methods
  • support the work of Regional Advisory Councils, e.g. Northwestern Waters Regional Advice Council.
The programme will mainly support projects in UK waters, focusing predominantly on the English fisheries and involve fishing vessels able to take part in the projects.

Seeking project ideas for 2019 to 2020

We are inviting FSP project proposals for the next financial year, 2019 to 2020. Project ideas should be practical, able to deliver a real solution, come from fishermen and meet at least one of the FSP objectives above.
The FSP panel will be particularly interested to see proposals that will help the implementation of Common Fisheries Policy reform, especially innovative approaches to the phased introduction of the demersal landing obligation. Examples include, but are not restricted to:
  • mixed-fishery and regional approaches
  • selectivity improvements (including new gear)
  • discard-survivability studies
  • spatial adaptations
  • emerging issues in support of the Advisory Councils (ACs).
Project ideas need to be practical, able to deliver a real solution and be completed during 2019 to 2020. Turning a proposal idea into a scientifically deliverable project is not always easy, so proposers may wish to contact our FSP Contracts Office who can refer applicants to a Cefas scientist for advice related to a particular idea.
The Fisheries Science Partnership Project Idea Form 19-20 (MS Word Document66.5KBis available to help proposers construct a suitable project by prompting the essential required details.
Please note: Submission of a project is not a guarantee that the idea will be funded. Further, all project ideas deemed suitable are then commissioned through a competitive process.
Ideas for proposals for projects must be submitted to the FSP Contracts Office by Friday 1st February 2019.
Once a project idea form is received at Cefas, a check will be done to see if all the details have been provided (locality, time of work, vessel size and type, gear etc.) after which the proposer may be contacted for further details. Those project ideas which are confirmed as suitable will then be subject to a competitive tender process with the projects Invitation to Tender being published on this website. Invitation to Tender documents will be available for downloading from this website along with copies of draft contract and terms and conditions, they can also be obtained from the address below.
Please note that there are strict deadlines for tender submissions.

Contact details

FSP Contract Office Cefas Pakefield Road Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0HT UK Tel: +44 (0)1502 527798 Email: