
Wednesday 21 November 2018

Mid-week landings in Newlyn.

Astern of Jeremy on the Nazarene, the big fella aboard Three Jays is busy sorting bait before sailing...

best day to buy some bass for Mousehole Fish said Colin...

and the Cynthia had plenty more where that came from...

plenty of sharks on the market this morning...

some going for bait...

like these lesser spotted dogfish better known as Scyliorhinus canicula,

or its velvet-jacketed cousin the smooth hound, better known as mustelus canis...

the St Pierre in French or John Dory in English...

along with the Dover sole...

and tub gurnard...

were part of the beam trawler St Georges' haul of fish...

while the big trip of hake from the joy of Ladram was supplemented by big white fish like these whiting...

and haddock...

while the St Georges managed a few tons of cuttles...

to go with her lemons...

and monk tails...

the netter Joy of Ladram also contributed to the monkfish tally this morning with this whole monk...

showing off the lure at the end of its 'fishing rod' that it uses to lure small fish to their doom...

along with over 200 boxes...

 of hake...

with their smily faces at the ready...

with first light in the sky over the now well-lit marina path...

and the pontoon bridge...

a certain Cap'n Cod heads off down to his punt...

no time to take in the view...

as he is joined by his young apprentice Jamie...

who lets go the ends so they can head off to sea for a day's bass fishing...

using only lines and lures...

looks like the footings are going in on the new Lifeboat house - strong enough to support four or five floors judging by the size of them...

over in PZ Dry Dock the Scillonian II  is having her annual winter paint-up...

and refit - her anchor chains laid out on the dry dock floor.