
Friday 16 November 2018

#FishyFriday on Newlyn Fish Market.

Two-tone grey Newlyn Harbour fishmarket boxes, stack 'em high...

or fill them with plaice from the beam trawler James RH...

or haddock from the Resurgam...


extra large whiting...

or hake from the netter Britannia V...

and get them off the auction floor quickly...

while the red boxes are good for monk fish tails...

Dover soles...

or megrim soles...

this trip the James RH targetted cuttlefish, separating out the smallest...

from well over 2000kg of large...

along with a handful of squid...

while a few inshore boats went for line caught quality fish like these bass...

with this week's poor weather restricting the time boats spent at sea buyers almost outnumbered boxes on the market this morning...

though bidding was very keen and prices well up for all shades of red fish...

including these big tub gurnards...

and some superbly shiny herring...

who left their tell-tale scales on every surface they came into contact with...

they made up just a fraction of the quantity of mainly line caught mackerel that were on the market...

forcing the buyers to pick their way through the boxes...

mostly stacked in 100kg stacks...

tallied up by market manager Nicky Cripps using tried and trusted technology...

to record some particularly big shots from some of the inshore fleet...

while the rest of the mornings fish was further boosted by a handful of end-of-season John Dory...

and some superb turbot...

not the prettiest of fish, and like all flatfish possessing tiny eyes in relation to the size of their bodies...

name the fish...

there's a name from the past - the Dew-Genen-Ny was the only Newlyn based seine netter 

photo courtesy of Martin Johns
to work from the port targeting mainly hake and whiting - it would be interesting to see just how much haddock she would catch if she were still to be fishing today...

taking advantage of a calm spell, just off St Michael's Mount the Cornish sardine netters, Golden Harvest...

and Lyonesse are busy pumping fish from their nets before the sun has a chance to throw light across Mounts Bay.