
Wednesday 28 November 2018

Brexit hot off the press - THE COMMON FISHERIES POLICY AMENDMENT 2018.

The CFP policy document has been amended and published today. 

The EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (“CFP”) regulates fishing activities and the enforcement of those activities in UK waters. The CFP comprises numerous EU Regulations which will automatically be transferred into UK law on exit day, by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, and will have the status of ‘retained direct EU legislation’. These EU Regulations require amendment in order to operate effectively in UK law after the UK has exited from the European Union, and therefore the CFP. This instrument uses the powers in section 8 of, and paragraph 21 of Schedule 7 to, the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 to make the necessary amendments.

The draft document is available here: