
Wednesday 10 October 2018

Mid week market in Newlyn.

After every trip of up to 10 days the crew of a beam trawler have to repair the trawls...

one man who won't be repairing any more gear...

is the shellfishing legend that is Francis Harris who is seem here stowing his buoy ropes and hanging his oilskins up for the last time...

inside the fish market there is a trip of beam trawl fish from the Billy Rowney...

which includes monk tails...

and megrim sole...

the hands that pick out otoliths in order for Cefas to age each fish sampled...

belong to Maria who is nor doubt smiling because, after a 3am start she is on her last box of fish to be sampled...

from the triple rigger, Elisabeth Veronique who also had a good shot of Dorys in the trip...

the handliners are still getting good trips out of the mackerel in the bays...

while the beam trawlers like the Billy Rowney . put ashore ground fish like thornback ray...

tub gurnards...

and cod...

the netters Govenek of Ladram and  Charisma ..

landed good shots of hake...

while the inshore boats landed a few boxes of prime red mullet...

and brill...

it's back to the hooks for young Andrew on the punt Benediction now that the lobster season is over...

it's definitely Newlyn Harbour, says so on the box...

and it's still dark enough outside...

as two buyers discuss the price...

 of fish during the auction...

this time last year half the market floor space would have been taken up by 400kg tubs of cuttlefish which is what these scales have been installed for - as yet, no significant trips of cuttles have been landed this season...

fish sold now bound out at speed...

just in case anyone knows the whereabouts...

of the owners of said vessel...

the day dawns...

on the Ocean of Invisible Voices...

crabber, work in progress...

netter, Stelissa under the lamplight...

stacked on the quay, newly made parlour pots wait to go to sea...

ever-ready Mollie and Ivor Dent and Ivan Ellen...

another crabber work in progress...

all set for the next tide for Joe...

working boat...

fish from all over the UK arrives at Newlyn on a daily basis...

and much of it is still exported despite a growing internal market - come Brexit...

drilling for hot rocks, the Jubilee Pool will soon be heated by geothermic energy which was pioneered just down the road at Rosemanowes Quarry..

early morning in Penzance harbour...

with the Battery Rockers swimmers taking to swimming in the harbour...

 this morning away from the white water off Battery Rocks their usual haunt.