
Wednesday 31 October 2018

It's 7am and the Swordfish breakfast bar is busy!

Last of the fish coming off the auction floor this morning...

includes a brace of John Dory...

and it's good to see how some merchants have taken up the opportunity to support those skippers who are promoting their own business...

along with the company that supplies their fishing gear...

how times have changed, with the auction over its time to head for the Swordfish Inn for a spot of breakfast...

or in Roger's case, yet another cup of "f******g tea" as he nears the end of his personal 'austerity' - after he decided, in a rash moment, to do a "dry October" for MacMillan Cancer...

which doesn't escape Cap'n Cod's attention as he can't help but extract the Michael as he passes Roger by...

before joining a table of early morning drinkers...

for a sumptuous cooked breakfast provided by landlord George and his crew...

meanwhile the Tranquiltiy is back in Newlyn to take ice...

as the Ajax leaves for another trip...

and the beamer crew repair their gear...

work is nearing completion on the Resurgam...

and the slip is back in action with Rowse's latest crabber undergoing hull work to fit her new vivier tank...

the new loading bay is taking shape at the end of the market.