
Sunday 2 September 2018

Misty weekend.

As has become tradition on the eve of the August Bank Holiday, wreaths were lain by the Fish Festival Committee as a mark of respect to friends and family lost at sea...

not a happy man, Barry has had a hard week trying to find enough mackerel to earn a week's wages...

the St Georges heads for the ice berth...

as Barry heads back out to sea...

next big job after the arrival of the blue dye...

and the last, is to coat the floor of the market and complete Phase II of the £1.7 million refurbishment...

all set to take ice...

via the huge flexible hose...

that delivers around a ton every two minutes...

all getting the thumbs up from mate and relief skipper Julian 'Juicy' James...

aaaahhh that Condor moment...

more boxes go aboard for the trip...

heading in to land the wreck netter Annie-May

the market floor has been readied for the new protective blue coat of cement...

just one of the external fish market panels waiting to be decorated...

sun's up, somewhere.