
Friday 14 September 2018

#FishyFriday in Newlyn.

Three beam trawlers helped fill a busy FishyFriday market in Newlyn this morning giving all the buyers a good selection of fish to choose from...

including both trawl and line caught pollack...

plenty of ray...

some already winged at sea...

a few bags of scallops - which were given a mention by Fisheries Minister George Eustace in the House yesterday...

top quality handline fish like these pristine pollack...

and bass made good money...

all caught on film by Luke continuing his work in putting together the forthcoming BBC2 documentary...

capturing things like the morning fish auction...

line caught fish commands a price premium for its quality and appearance...

like this stunning John dory...

more than enough to keep young Anthony Tonkin smiling...

at this time of year cod landings are slight...

a fine pair of blues...

and more of the best bass...

as usual the beam trawlers piled in with plenty of megrim soles...

and monk tails...

and something to keep a few chefs more than happy, superb monk livers that make such sweet paté..

giving auctioneer Olly every opportunity to squeeze the highest prices out of the buyers...

especially for such superb fish as these Dover soles...

and boxes and boxes...

of John Dory...

nose to tail ray...

and yet more bass...


and just the one solitary red mullet and a plate sized turbot...

name this flatfish...

young Roger found these JDs more than elusive this trip...

with all the other inshore trawlers grabbing a share of them too...

after an hour the auction was still in full swing...

while outside the Asthore was just landing the last of her six tons of sardines...

as dawn breaks...

the gulls pile in for breakfast...

and what looks like the start to another cracking day here in the far south west of Cornwall...

which in this light makes the job of capturing stunning images even easier...

two of the ports most powerful beam trawlers at rest...

as are the sardine fleet after their night's endeavours - though fruitless for some.