
Friday 21 September 2018

Fisheries White Paper The CFPO's Response

The CFPO has now submitted its formal response to the Government's Fisheries White Paper: 'Sustainable Fisheries for Future Generations'.

The response reflects the collective views of our diverse membership and is clear about our priorities and vision for future management of UK fisheries in the post Brexit era.

What next?

This Autumn looks to be one of the most critical periods for the fishing industry in recent history.

Now the formal White Paper consultation has ended we will be looking to make sure our concerns and priorities are acknowledged and understood by Ministers, MPs, and officials at both DEFRA and DexEU.

In the coming months, we will be working to hold the Government to account and will be continuing to apply pressure to ensure fishing remains a UK priority throughout the Brexit negotiations.

The preparation, discussions and the strategising for the important December Fisheries Council, where TACs and quotas for 2019 will be agreed, have already begun and will continue in earnest until the meeting on the 13th and 14th December.

As well as Brexit and December Council, the CFPO will continue its work on the challenges presented by full implementation of the Landing Obligation from 1 January 2019, as well as a host of other issues that might impact your business such as bass management, gear conflict incidents, shellfish management and fishing industry reputation (both public and political).

In these uncertain times, one thing remains constant: the CFPO is your organisation and your views, comments and opinions are essential as we move forward. We will continue to need your valued input and we encourage you to get in touch by either coming into the office, by post, phone, email, Facebook or text. Please do not hesitate to get in contact and tell us what you think and what direction you feel the CFPO should be taking.

We will be providing updates on progress on all these issues in our next newsletter in December.

Presentation to the Cornwall FLAG

On the 21st August, our communications partner, Mindfully Wired Communications, presented at the Cornwall FLAG Board meeting. The presentation outlined why the CFPO values good communication and provided highlights on what we've been working on with MWC over the past year. Click the link to see the presentation. 

Skate is a thorny topic for many - fishermen catch skate on a regular basis throughout ICES VII f & g yet there is a zero quota for these delicious fish.

Yet again, Newyn Harbour has made the Boardroom available for this important meeting for all those keen to add their thoughts and ideas into the mix - however controversial - the more views and ideas the better for a healthy debate.