
Friday 3 August 2018

Support fishermen called to ensure every Friday is a #FishyFriday in the future!

Andrew Pascoe, chair of The National Fishermen's Federation has put out a plea to all those in and beyond the the fishing industry to demand from the government that there is no sell-out in the process of negotiating an exit from the EU.

Thousands of flags and wheelhouse stickers in fishing ports across the country are delivering the fishing industry’s message to the Government and politicians as the UK/EU withdrawal negotiations edge towards a critical stage. By flying the No Sell-Out flags, thousands of vessels, in dozens of ports around the coast, urge the UK negotiators to stand firm against the EU’s pressure to keep the status quo on access for their fleets and the current unfair quota shares. Cornish fisherman and NFFO Chairman, Andrew Pascoe, in a letter accompanying the flags, spells it out:

“As you will already be aware, we are exerting a huge effort to secure the best outcomes for the UK fishing industry, as the UK leaves the EU.

Meetings have been held and assurances received from the Prime Minister, as well as secretaries of state at Defra and Dexeu, that the UK will become an independent coastal state outside the Common Fisheries Policy, as the UK leaves the EU.

We know that the EU will strongly resist this change and, as part of any withdrawal agreement, will seek to tie the UK back into the current access arrangements and quota shares.

It is extremely important, therefore, that the UK Government stands firm on fishing. To that end we have met with all the main political editors and held a very successful lobby day in Parliament attended by around 50 parliamentarians from right across the political spectrum.

To back up these efforts, we feel that it is important that there is visible support in the ports, and to that end we have produced a large number of flags, banners and stickers to display on your vessels, fish-markets and wheelhouses.

Hopefully, the flags and show of support will be amplified by the media – a picture can tell a story of a 1000 words.

If you require additional flags or stickers, these can be supplied.

Thank you for your support.


Andrew Pascoe


National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisation