
Tuesday 28 August 2018

First fish market for the week at Newlyn

The message is loud and clear...

 for an industry now living in fear of what might happen after Brexit...

because at the moment no one can tell the industry with any degree of certainty what life will be like when and if we,  'take back control'...

in the meantime the fleet carries on as normal with good supplies of big fish from the netters that landed this morning like these ray wings...

a few line caught bass...

some overnight sardines...

and plenty of hake which made up the bulk of the landings from the Joy and Amanda of Ladram...

which included pollack...

and ling...

a handful of cod...

and large haddock...

and there are still regular supplies of mackerel to supply late summer BBQs...

along with a few more of the very best line caught bass...

and the odd large turbot...

the netters should take ice over the next few days and head back to sea...

as Barry in one of the port's punts heads back to his berth on the pontoons...

past a diminishing number yachts as the main sailing season draws to a close...

a closer look at the water in the harbour reveals it is teeming with fry this morning...

which seems in total contrast to Lewis Pugh's observations during his epic swim from Land's End to Dover over the last 50 days - a feat which he hopes to complete later this afternoon...

riding high at high tide, the Crystal Sea,  the south west's largest trawler...

looks like a bit of mending was in order over the weekend...

half the beam trawl fleet are in port this morning...

as that nomad of the sea Our Roseanna from Fowey heads out for another day's trawling...

Newlyn is fast becoming a leading light in recycling and re-purposing old fishing net through the pioneering work of Fishy Filaments.