
Friday 24 August 2018

Final #FishyFriday for August in Newlyn.

Glorious start for anyone lucky enough to be in the far west of Cornwall...

this morning...

I-spy a mid-water trawl, one of these has not been seen aboard a trawler in Newlyn since the 1980s...

we live in hope...

Annie-May alongside the market and full of fish from wrecks and rough ground...

landings of hake on the market this morning from netters like the Ajax...

and Britannia V...

brain fish like haddock...

hake, predators of the oceans...

stunning red mullet...

and from the beam trawlers lemon sole...

big ray...

and line caught bass from a few of the inshore boats...

all grades of megrim soles...

the odd big turbot...

with enough fish to spread into the extra market space...

the Filadelfia made a good landing of witches, often confused with megrims...

four sizes of John Dory from the Sapphire II...

and a few lemons from Don...

while the Sowenna fishing from the Scillys is never far from good John Dory at this time of year...

or big blondes...

some hake are too big even for the largest market boxes...

name that fish?..

hake tales (sic)...

the glaring eye of the spurdog...

in a quiet moment, Mr Cripps contemplates the state of the world...

the business part of the netter Annie May...

the Resurgam's refit is nearing completion...

just some of the fleet in for the weekend...

including this Norwegian visitor...

the fleet...

green gear aboard the sardine boat...

and the trawler Still Waters...

net drums allow smaller trawlers to work larger nets than they would otherwise be able to handle on the deck...

keeping the vivier tanks fresh in the shellfish transport...

upon reflection...

out with the old...

and in with the new footpath access to the new RNLI building...

where the groundwork is currently in progress.