
Saturday 4 August 2018

Bass survey

Cefas UK is seeking fishing vessels to take part in a study to estimate the survival rate of discarded sea bass. 

Traditional Cornish line caught bass using poles from a punt.

The primary objective of this project is to estimate survival rate of discarded sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) caught in UK fisheries. The information on sea bass discard survival may be used to supplement management advice, in particular in constructing Discard Plans and evidencing applications for exemptions to the Landing Obligation (LO) for sea bass under the high survival provision. 

Having to dump all this beautiful bass because EU says so can't wait to get out of CFP

Steve fisher (@fishersteve08) January 11, 2018

The trials will take place between August 2018 and December 2018. The work will involve a maximum of 14 days of fishing under charter per vessel/gear type. The study will involve the capture of sea bass under normal commercial trawl and gill net practices to record the condition and health state of individual bass. Any live bass will be assessed and (if deemed likely to survive) tagged with electronic tags and released back to sea to help provide evidence of post discard survival. The survey will require two scientists to be onboard the vessel with approximately two metre square clear deck space to carry out scientific procedures during fishing operations. 

For further details visit