
Saturday 7 July 2018

Mousehole Sea Salts & Sail Maritime Festival 13-15th July 2018

Next weekend don't forget it is what promises to be the biggest of its kind - head on down to Mousehole for...

this year's Mousehole Sea Salts and Sail Maritime Festival which celebrates the maritime community and spirit over three days in one of Cornwall's most historic and picturesque ports. All the monies raised from this celebration of the sea go towards enabling the next festival and a host of local worthy community causes.

This year the festival stands to benefit from the auction of a superb painting donated by Tim Hall, renowned member of the Royal Society of Marine Artists. The painting has been used for the festival programme cover and the original stunning oil on canvas will be sold by auction from the main stage around 5:30 pm on Sunday evening - the last night of the festival!

Please bid for our specially commissioned painting 'The Rose of Argyll' departing the Gaps' by Tim Hall RSMA.

The painting is based in a scene form the 2016 festival capturing the moment when the Rose of Argyll leaves the gaps of Mousehole Harbour and heads towards St Clement's isle and the rest of the Sea Salts & Sail fleet.

If you cannot be there for the live auction or have a friend bidding on your behalf then you can leave a commission bid at the Sea Salts and Sail festival stall on the South Quay. Alternatively, you can also download and complete a bid form and drop it into the Sea Salts & Sail festival merchandise stall in the harbour during the festival or email it to the organisers.