
Wednesday 18 July 2018

Mid-week market in Newlyn

Three months later the hake netter, Govenek of Ladram is taking back on board her boxes...

and nets under new skipper Nathan Marshall who will be mentored by star of The Catch TV series, Phil Mitchell for a trip or two...

looks like Alex Pino has been kept busy sorting the boat's new ice-making machine...

all set to fish! - anytime now the Vesta  will be ringing her first shot of Cornish sardines...

and the Resurgam will be ready to don her beam trawls once more...

Border Patrol not on patrol...

Wednesday morning and most of the fleet are away to sea...

as the market gets underway...

and the very first sardines are sold...

along with more signs of summery weather, a good few grey...

and red mullet...

a whole range of Dover soles...

both large and small...

the odd shark...

and yet more mackerel...

ravishing red mullet for Rex no doubt...

juicy John Dory...

and a lonely hake...

and plate-sized turbot...

lush lemons - perfect cooked whole, on the bone under the grill with butter galore...

Ocean Queen...

hit the mackerel, though prices are now at more traditional summer levels as the boats land more...

plenty of small gurnards on the grounds with Mr Curtis...

seems all the punts touched on mackerel last night...

just the one box of brill from the beam trawler...

almost clear of fish by 7am...

as another day dawns...

the new crabber, Asteria has had her flush-deck 7 ton vivier and Celtic slave hauler fitted...

the Belgian beamer Van Eyk...

has been fishing in flat calm weather judging by the amount of guano on her boxes...

and derricks...

the boys have even brought the BBQ along with them to sea...

Lyonesse and Vesta, all set for the sardines to show in the bay......

netters side-by-side...

the old harbour is looking pretty parched after its haircut...

Ocean Pride...

the pride of its owner as can be seen from her paintwork...

looking to the Mount from Battery Rocks...

as one of the early morning swimmers...

know as the Battery Rockers heads back to dry land...

following in the footsteps of hundreds of local swimmers who regularly swim off the back of the Jubilee pool every morning of the year, come hell or high-water - though south-easterly storms sometimes force them to swim around the corner in the confines of Penzance harbour...

the junior pool will one day be heated geothermically it is hoped...

classic Seagull motor...

and the luxury yacht is back in the dry dock.