
Friday 13 July 2018

A fine forecast and sunshine galore for #FishyFriday in Newlyn

As the seasonal clock ticks on and July heads for August the sardine boats, skippers and crew brace are all anticipation for the start of the Cornish Sardine season - top boat, Pelagic Marksman is in the final stages of preparation...

while inside the fish auction space is at a premium on a very busy market with some inshore trawler landings stacked nine high to save space on the market floor...

just enough room for team Falfish to make one of their regular industry awareness tours of their favourite fish market...

Jekyll and Hyde like, there's always two sides to every turbot tail...

the mighty zulu, only found in abundance around the Scillys...

not a megrim, but which fish is it?...

MMO regs now dictate that fish boxes now also indicate whether hand or machine graded - hence the HG tally...

sometimes confused with turbot, a brilliant fish to eat - used to be very popular on British Airways long haul flights and Concorde...

any excuse for a cuddle...

the Dorys are proving elusive this week...

never mind the Three Lions coming home, the mackerel have finally arrived!!!

plenty of boat being picked up by the trawlers and beam trawlers - just as well given the number of crabbers working from the port now...

baby spurdog - born live with a yolk-sac attached...

not hands that do dishes...

there are Dover soles, sand soles and...

bass from the best bass fisherman in the port and his boat, Butts - Cod and his trainee had goodish day on the king of fish...

not great in the looks department but ray and skate make fabulous eating...

Newlyn's very own, old man of the sea, Dennis Pascoe washes out his fish boxes after a morning lining for bass - how many septuagenarians do you know start their day at 3am, and travel by boat for an hour and a half before they even start work?!!

the Rowney heads in through the gaps...

closely followed by...

the very Cornish Karen N...

won't be long before Nimrod takes on her fleet of pots and joins the res of the Rowse fleet...

unidentified object in white seen working in the port...

sister-ships berthing...

we know the heat of the desert sun often played tricks by creating mirages over the sand, so it is just possible this isn't the St Piran heading out to sea...

traditional and classic wooden boats are gathering off Mousehole for Sea Salts and Sail this weekend - one not to be missed as there is something for all ages and interests - not least plenty of live music, fine ales and a chance to bid on a superb painting...

The Rose of Argyll departing the Gaps’ by renowned local artist and member of the Royal Society of Marine Artists, Tim Hall - the auction will take place on the main stage on Sunday around 5pm - bids can be made online up to midnight on Saturday 14th July. With the weather shpwing no signs of breaking the organisers are hoping for a great turnout of classic and ex-fishing wooden boats!