
Thursday 28 June 2018

You can take part live in the Bi-Annual Scottish Fishing Conference 2018

This year's Scottish Fishing Conference will be livecast over the internet - this means anyone, anywhere can take part live.  Why not get together with a group of people arrange at your local fishermen's mission or other centre (internet-abled pub, training centre, college) who can show the event on a big screen?

This is the final Programme for the Bi-Annual Scottish Fisheries Conference on the 9th & 10th July. 

Many blog readers will be unable to make the long (and expensive in terms of travel cost and more importantly time) trip up to Scotland might be interested to know that this year they catch it online!

Save the livecast link in your online calendar with a reminder so that you can be there virtually.  Anyone can ask direct questions to any of the speakers using the chat box in the bottom right hand corner of the screen via the conference organisers.  You can also follow the conference speakers using the Twitter hashtag, #BASFC18 and ask questions to @fiscotorg

All the sections that are being live-streamed (everything apart from the breaks) are highlighted in yellow.

Please share the agenda, live stream link and hashtags to anyone with an interest in the conference agenda items. We’d like as many people joining online as we can. We’ll be taking questions on twitter but we’ve also set up a function to take questions online, which will be put to the speaker/panel at the appropriate time.

As you can see FIS have keynote speeches from the Faroese FM and a senior representative from the Norwegian Fisheries Department,

All the details you’ll need are here - share them with a friend:

Live stream link: - the chat function in the bottom, right-hand corner will allow participants to submit questions and comments in real-time.

Hashtag: #BASFC18
Twitter handle: @fiscotorg