
Monday 4 June 2018

Monday morning market in Newlyn

Monday morning's harbour is devoid of fog so it's easy enough to spot the scavenging seal just off the market...

where the Amanda of Ladram...

 has just put ashore another trip of hake...

as the Spirited Lady III makes her way off to sea again...

fresh out of the box, on the quay and all set for their first outing on the market are a brand-spanking new pair of Bekina boots from Comfish...

although not as busy as the first market last week there's plenty of fish up for auction this morning...

with a mix of flats like megrim and Dover soles from the beam trawler Algrie...

red tub gurnard, red mullet, red boots...

and John Dory from the inshore traweler, Imogen III...

along with a good shot of flats and...

ray wings...

with only a single box of haddock and some boots...

unlike the similar sized trawler Elisabeth Veronique working different ground who picked up a much bigger shot of haddock...

and a good few dozen boxes of predominantly red gurnard...

the buyers were busy working their way through the Ajax's net fish...

and pick up the best of the prime from the inshore trawlers...

and handline boats...

the pressure is on to shift the stacked fish as soon as possible...

so the bidding is brisk this morning...

the chit-chat kept to a minimum...

as the draggers get their work done as quick as they can...

one of the port's best-known skippers was spotted on the market this morning...

Martins fish had their huge shiny new tallies in use on the market...

to go with their huge shiny new van...

Sapphire II, back from the land of tulips and windmills after her winch gave up the ghost...

the Elisabeth Veronique heads up the harbour for the iceworks....

some idea just how much Newlyn has been involved in recycling old fishing nets can bee seen from this huge pile of hake nets destined to be turned into 3D printer plastic...

in stark contrast to the much larger footrope used by the big Scottish prawn trawlers working on the Northwest Banks west of Scilly this much longer (as in wider) footrope is for flat fish like megrim, lemon, witch, plaice and Dover soles along with mink and rays that hug the clean grounds south and south west of Newlyn.