
Thursday 31 May 2018

Fog, defined by the Met Office as less than 100m visibility

The restored St Ives lugger, Ripple waits for the ride to drop...

on a very misty morning...

with not a breath of wind in the Old Harbour...

spare combination bridles for Tom's, Harvest Reaper...

classic lines over the Ripple's stern...

looks like Cod is away to sea...

the Sara Shaun shrouded in fog...

the market full of mixed fish...

including the odd brill...

and a big stack of flats from the beamer, St Georges...

while Tom settled for a few JDs...

the big beamer landed a box of big cod...

the punt men are still hitting the pollack...

and the odd bass...

while the red mullet are showing signs on the grounds...

fishing is still labour intensive and physically demanding at every stage...

just the one big JD...

for auctioneer Ryan...

getting to grips with the prawn trawler's white fish which included a good few hake...

and several boxes of megrims...

haul away, the new market floor is still proving a challenge to the draggers...

ever-present red gurnards...

with the fog closing in outside...

before lifting for a while...

high water is at 5:45am...

the harbour's Football World Cup sweepstake has been drawn...

lifting at last...

the visibility increases...

as the punt Guiding Star heads out to sea.