
Tuesday 1 May 2018

More visitors to Newlyn and Cap'n Cod has plenty of weed.

Visiting scalloper Accord N262 heads for a berth...

after pulling away from fellow scalloper, Tjeerd Jacoba DS7...

after yesterday's near miss when the big (she draws a huge 5.7m aft) stern trawler Ellie Adhamh fell over at low water..

Photo courtesy of Patch Harvey
when two fisheries inspectors were aboard checking her catch...

Photo courtesy of JT
down below in her fishroom - which must have given them something of a shock when she heeled over on her side...

Photo courtesy of JT
before she was helped to right with the aid of a pump from Penlee lifeboat...

under the command of Penlee lifeboat cox, Patch Harvey - whom you can hear describing the role they played on Radio Cornwall's Martin Bailie show later in the day...

it didn't take long to get a coat of anti-fouling paint on the hull of the Admiral Gordon on the slip...

Copious FH145, another visiting scalloper but very much smaller than the big Irish boys...

the big beam trawler St Georges gets a shove against the quay by Stevenson's new tug boat...

Cap'n Cod giving the bottom of the good ship Butts a good scrub to get rid of all the weed - reminds me of the Lucy Marianna days ;-)... don't get rusty joints!