
Friday 25 May 2018

Final #FishyFriday on Newlyn fish market.

Going nowhere for now, the ex-beam trawler Sara Shaun is up for sale as seen...

her days of putting fish on a busy market like this morning's in Newlyn now long-gone...

unlike the netter Silver Dawn who weighed in with a big trip of mixed whitefish that included plaice...

happy turbot...

 while the Charisma weighed in with a shot of hake...

good to see one of the old hands was on the market floor this morning...

checking out some of those turbot...

and hake from the Silver Dawn...

the coming Bank Holiday weekend means that this is the last fish auction until Tuesday so inevitably there were plenty of fish...

 for plenty of buyers...

even a few sharks...

the Britannia V added a good shot of haddock to go with their hake...

while the inshore boats focused on top-drawer fish like this pair of huge red bream...

good to see Cap'n Cod back on the bass again...

inshore boats often 'wing' the ray they catch at sea to save space in the fishroom, keeping the carcasses for bait for the crabbers...

those trap-caught cuttles contrast nicely with white boots and workcoats...

the Amanda touched on a few dogs...

with their vicious dorsal fin spurs...

along with her hake...

while the Twilight piled in on the megrim soles...

the AA had a good shot of quality fish like these Dovers and Dorys...

to go with a few boxes of red mullet...

and pristine plaice...

plenty of monk tails...

as the fish from three boats all but filled the second auction chillroom...

inshore trawler, Radiance bagged a few boxes of John Dory...

seems these two lobsters were still having a face-off hours after being landed......

nothing escapes the beady eye of fresh pollack...


not all ray are winged by the boats...

with so many boats landing to catch the last market for a few days...

there was fish everywhere you looked...

the temptation to take all 600kg of turbot was just too great for someone this morning...

top quality cod...

and still more fish being landed, graded and weighed for sale...

even this hungry gull isn't fooled by this poor sole, from Dover or not...

a cross-section of the fleet will be in over the weekend now...

making for a busy quayside...

it's not been a good week for boatowners and their expensive main engines, this time it's the turn of the Charisma to suffer a major engine failure - towed in by the Ocean Harvest yesterday.