
Monday 9 April 2018

Video: Off West Scotland aboard the trawler "Jean-Pierre Le Roch"

"The work of the bridge, it will always remain the work of the bridge. » Boarding Jean-Pierre Le Roch with a video of the producers' organization Les pêcheurs de Bretagne.

Welcome aboard ...the plane! This is how the sailors of Jean-Pierre Le Roch leave the harbor of Lorient, and join Lochinver, north-west of Scotland. Intermarché, on which the Scapêche armament depends, even has its own plane and 3 pilots. Another 2 hours by bus and the sailors reach Lochinver, base of the trawler for the crews' changeover and the landing of the trip.

The sailors, 14 on board, make 9-day trips on this new trawler 42.70 metre long, launched in 2015. More comfortable and less sonorous than the previous ones, but "the fishing is always the same, " observes Arnaud Masson, the skipper. These days safety is much more important: helmets, PFD, the guys on the bridge are well aware. In the factory, the crew grades, sorts, guts, cleans ... and boxes the catches. "The hold full, we once saw that, it was 82 tons. But since then, it's more like 40 to 50 tons on average. "hake, black place, a little scabbard during this tide, but it is also often haddock, monkfish, blue ling and ling.  Landed at Lochinver, the fish is sent by truck to Lorient to be sold. This seven minute video presents a lot of images, and few words, on a background of classical music. What we do not see though, but must not forget: this ship often faces tumultuous waters.

The fishermen of Brittany presents multiple videos shot by Pierre Carnet. Three were presented at the Pêcheurs du Monde film festival on March 23: Roscoff's kelp fishing on Kalicoba ; at the bar of line on the Ar Flanmen at the island of Sein; and the trap on board the Artemis III near Molène. "The objective is to explain the diversity of fishing types, a complementarity that is the strength of the sector ," says Marion Fiche, OP. They are also portraits, and a work of memory, because the trades evolve. We are always very careful about the prople in these films. "

Full story sourced from Le Marin here by Solène Le Roux