
Monday 16 April 2018

Monday's massive fish market in Newlyn

First sight of the auction in action in the new market this morning...

as buyers and draggers helped to clear stacks of boxes out of the way...

of the new big chill-room section...

where hake in 50kg boxes were stacked five high...

and seven high for the 40kg boxes...

and even higher for some fish like these turbot and John Dory...

which made for some maze-like creations...

though not all the buyers...

were able to get a good look at the fish being sold...

nevertheless, the auction went quick enough...

especially as all the fish looked stunning in the bright-white surroundings...

with no melt water in the boxes...

buyers were able to bid with confidence...

on fantastic fresh fish like this 'stiff-as-a-board' cod...

giant John Dory...

and with such big fish...

 there were even plenty of cod cheeks up for grabs...

more than enough to keep Gary from Cefas still recording fish as the auction was underway...

and a very suave looking market boss Lionel decked out in his new white coat and trilby work hat...

keeping an eye on the buyers busy negotiating the narrow channels...

between boxes of hake from the Silver Dawn...

Govenek of Ladram...

and Ajax...

before the boxes were quickly dragged away...

out to the waiting vans...

as the trawler Crystal Sea made her way in to join the fleet at rest...

just ahead of the big Scottish prawner, Vision IV