
Monday 30 April 2018

Monday morning fish market in Newlyn

Early morning sees the kind of sky often captured by local ex-fisherman artist Robert Jones...

in his work like this capturing the mackerel handline fleet entitled, First Light...

this morning helped by some additional luminescence from a huge full moon over Newlyn...

HMS Tyne, the 'grey fella' as Scottish fishermen in the Clyde often refer to navy boats used for fisheries protection...

the Sapphire II has taken a berth on to go aground for some under the waterline work...

both market rooms full of fish this morning for the auction...

boxes o f monk tails from the netter Stelissa having completed her first trammel net trip targeting monk...



while the beam trawlers put ashore good shots of Dover sole...


a few John Dory...

stacked high to save floor space...

whole monk and ray from the Stelissa...

while the netter Ajax...

put ashore another good shot of hake...

some of the punts are still pulling in cuttlefish...

while mackerel are still hard to come by...

so some of the handliners go for pollack...

there's a story behind every box...

the Lisa always lands great looking fish...

whole monk landed this morning from some of the visiting Scottish boats...

a rare chance to enjoy the sun streaming in through the market door...

adding a bit of colour to this bream...

and a warm glow to skipper Alan's hake...

looking through the doorway the navy boat can be seen away in the distance...

another visiting trawler landing at the market...

not the only R&B in the port...

there's plenty more most Friday nights in the Swordfish...

another Newlyn nickname, it's a long story, one day it will be Pissy's birthday too...

boats up on the Canner's Slip...

and one of the Admiral's up on the main slip...

94mm mesh in the cod-end and the Navy brings you in...

the Orion, home from another prawning trip...

hauling just off the gaps...

easing the Vision into a berth.