
Monday 23 April 2018

Monday morning fish market in Newlyn.

Despite much of the country enjoying clear blue skies a mix of warm air and cold seas means we have low cloud drifting across the peninsula this morning...

with a mirror-like sea reflecting the pallid pink sky...

after a long weight (back in the day that's something young apprentices were sent to the stores at Holman's Dry Dock to get) the new Isles of Scilly supply boat Mali Rose is now in full time action...

latest addition to the Newlyn fleet, the Portagovie based Belfast registered...

 Asteria is about to be transformed into a crabber with a pumped vivier...

over in Newlyn there are only a few boats in port, an unplanned visit for the beam trawler Sapphire II as her main winch has a gearbox problem of some magnitude...

it's all go on the market this morning with both auctioneers in full cry...

as the buyers get used to bidding on stacks of boxes...

the quality of these pollack...

and ray are superb...

some of the cuttles being landed are huge and must be nearing the end of their short lifespan which may only be eighteen months or less...

the New Venture landed a good shot of undulate and cuckoo ray...

John Dory, probably the fish with the largest mouth-to-body size ratio...

cracking red mullet from the Imogen III...

and with the restriction off their are now a few bass being landed...

to go with the brill...

Dover sole...

and turbot...

cuttlefish certainly left their mark on this box of dogs...

a box of witches, a sure sign the Sapphire II was fishing 'up channel'...

some of the few hake on the market this morning - plenty more due in this week as the netters begin to make the first if the landings for this neap tide...

young Roger was filling up on red gurnard...

getting the once-over from Mousehole Fish buyer Colin...

name that fish sporting those big scales...

just after 6 am and there's now light in the sky of a morning...

as the draggers take away the early-auction purchases...

pen poised during the brisk bidding...

Mr Sort-it checks out the new auction space...

while a buyer mulls over the price of fish yet to be sold...

fine weather indeed!, of course if every morning was like this...

there wouldn't be any fish left in the sea!..

I think I prefer the white pork-pie hat...

just about the largest boat that the slipway will take...

it won't be long before the sign-writer has paid the new Rowse crabber a visit to name and number her...

it's not very often Newlyn has a visiting Swiss yacht...

pile 'em high, brand new pots wait to be roped up before they are taken to sea...

just a few of the pots being readied for the new crabber. Other boats in the fleet deploy the pots to make up a full fleet of over 1,000!