
Friday 6 April 2018

First #FishyFriday market in April

A mysterious tunnel like construction has appeared in the market...

no hard to guess which fish was sorted on this upturned kit...

there's a new kid in town, the Lowestoft registered stern trawler, Diligent Jo landed a trip of mixed trawl fish including these Dover soles...

monk, or anglerfish tails...

the ever-present and impossible to avoid choke species, haddock...

while the beam trawler, Sapphire II landed a week on the cuttles so her fish landing was light with just a handful of boxes of each species like these Dovers...

more than enough to keep the buyers busy...

bidding on big ling...

big bass and squid...

and even a few big flats and red mullet...

there were more than the normal supply of scallops this morning...

to go with a couple of boxes of eight-leggers...

and some big fat ray from the Spirited Lady...

and a one-and-half stone turbot...

still clutching his last supper...

green and blue...

black and blue...

black and white...

fresh red blood equals fresh fish...

fresh red mullet, one of the few fish not gutted at sea...

one of a few individual hake on the market - inshore trawlers seldom catch them in any quantity - you need power, a big net and a good headline height - and the fish to be shoaling...

cousins to the cuttlefish...

plenty of Health & Safety fittings in the new market...

the mysterious tunnel it would appear, is to protect the recently re-sited fish grader..

the world outside as the sun begins to brighten the day...

plenty of black gold still being put ashore...

to leave its mark...

don't forget a ramp entrance to the new market...

granite cladding detail of the external market wall - a nice touch after years of unpainted breeze block decorated on a regular basis by the local gull population...

with the sun hidden by low cloud rising behind the Mount the pink light in the sky only lasted a few minutes this morning...

as the rest of the harbour began to wake up...

snaking the fuel line aboard the boat...

there's always one black-back with a lot to say for himself...

inshore trawler visitors, Radiance and Spirited Lady...

some of the big boys have arrived in town...

the weather pushed a few more boats back in the harbour, though all the net boats are at sea and enjoying a not very comfortable day...

Lowestoft registered, Diligent Jo.