
Wednesday 7 March 2018

Plenty of fish on the mid-week market in Newlyn.

Amanda of Ladram, all set for swinging the compass this morning...

as she and the remainder of the netting fleet prepare to set sail for the neap tide...

"by the light of the silvery moon"...

there's still plenty of black gold coming ashore with the beam trawlers...

along with the odd conger...



and fellow, quality flat fish, turbot...

a specimen blackjack or coley or saithe...

and a perfect cuttlefish from Tom...

and a specimen brill that any sea-angler would be well chuffed to land...

red mullet...

and a pair of red bream were next on the sale list...

along with these prize pollack...

with most flatfish, there's two sides to every story...

the inshore trawlers are still hauling good lifts of whiting aboard...

while the Shiralee sneaked a few JDs from under young...

Roger Nowell's nose on the Imogen III...

who pitched up with a good run of the omni-present haddock for his 24 hour trip...

as ever, the New Venture made another good landing of good sized ray...

along with a handful of good-sized John Dory...

thinner on the grounds are the late winter mackerel...

overall though, the market was awash with boxes of fish...

including this matching pair...

cuttles don't come much blacker then these...

it takes two to tango...

as the tubs of cuttles are hauled away to the waiting transport...

on a much finer morning...

which sees the Amanda of Ladram...

now with a full compliment of hake nets aboard...

fellow Padstownian, Sid will be sailing today with the Karen of Ladram...

closely followed by perennial visitor from Belgium, the beam trawler Francine...

who with her starboard side beam still raised...

still has a few hours serious maintenance to do to get the chain mat back together...

a flashback from the past, the name Ben Loyal has returned once again...

she look similar to the local boat that fished for tuna after ending her netting career...

young Roger Nowell's will be counting the days down to the Dory season...

though in her day she was built for chasing another luxury fish from the seabed - there's a clue in the shield cast in steel on her bow...

the sun is just about to break the dawn...

so it back-lights the Nowell's beamer as the guys get to grips checking the trawl and chain mat...

it's good to see that the Fishing for Litter scheme is embraced by boats from all over the EU, here the Belgian beamer Francine has done her bit for the seabed environment...

as the gulls begin to stir in the harbour...

at last the net is aboard the new sardine boat Vesta...

as the sun rises heavy clouds drift across the bay...

causing the gulls to take flight...

heavy showers head east to cover the Lizard...

at rest, the Scillonian III wiats for the final touches to be completed for her annual makeover...

on the kind of morning anyone travelling on her would be so grateful for...

currently, the boat in the dry dock is hidden below the parapet!

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