
Tuesday 13 March 2018

Newlyn Riots - a play by Nick Darke at the Acorn, Pemzance.

The Newly Riots were a three-day series of mass civil disturbances which too place in Newlyn, Cornwall in 1896. The riots were sparked when certain groups of fishermen began landing fish on a Sunday. Other fishermen were firm in their views that the Sabbath should be observed and were angry that this was being ignored. Eventually the situation spilled over into violence and civil unrest.

You can read about the riots in more detail here - a piece of social fishing history with relevance to protest in fishing's politically and environmentally charged climate even today.

Nick Darke’s 'The Riot'

Fishermen from Newlyn, staunch Methodists, did not go to sea on the Sabbath, but visiting boats from Lowestoft (known as Yorkies) did and landed their fish on Monday thus reducing the price of the fish for Newlyn fishermen for the rest of the week.

The local fishermen fight back by tipping the whole catch of the Yorkies 100,000 mackerels into the harbour.

What starts as a peaceful protest soon turns into violence.

Caught in the middle of the disturbance is Thomas Bolitho, local merchant, magistrate, mine owner and mayor. He seems to respect the fisherman’s beliefs, but he is also a businessman and he knows that the violent nature of the dispute is not good for business.

He tries to compromise with both sides, but soon finds his life is in danger when they both turn against him.

A powerful dark comedy combined with Darke’s dream-like confusion!

For those who are unknowing of Cornishman Nick Darke, his life and work read on here.

The play is on tour in the South West, starting today and at the Acorn in Penzance on Thursday 22nd March 2018, starts at 19:30.

'The Riot'  is part of the 2018 Darke Visions Festival

Click Here To Book Online
Phone 01726 879500
Tickets in advance

Adults £8.00  Over60s £6.50, Unwaged £6.50,  Under18s £5.00  Family  (2A+2U18) : £25.00

Book a Group of 10+ people and get a 10% discount