
Monday 26 March 2018

Monday's morning fish market in Newlyn

3° and dry in Newlyn this morning...

on a market well supplied with a mix of fish like these big plaice...

and yet more cuttles with no sign of the season ending anytime soon...

there were a few boxes of undulate ray...

while the trawler Spirited Lady landed a good shot of ground fish like these big ling...

inshore boat Harvest Reaper added a good few boxes of haddock to the market sale...

cuttles certainly leave their mark...

Brackan also sneaked a few boxes of John Dory from underneath young Mr Nowell's nose...

and the Girl Pamela piled in on the pollack...

and a few blackjacks...

while a good mix of flats...

and ray were also down in the Harvest Reaper's logbook entries...

along with a tidy box of Dover sole...

the sardines are the perfect size for crisping up on a BBQ, all that is needed now is the sun to go with them...

gurnard, ling and ray wings...

plenty of soft ...

and hard roe from big pollack...

Tom on the Harvest Reaper had an excellent shot of ray and flats...

with only a few weeks to go, the fish market is getting a new floor covering...

a gentle chilly breeze produced gentle ripple in the harbour this morning...

not so much in the more sheltered berths...

where the sardines boats have one of their nest on the quayside...

for many in Penzance and Newlyn, Easter is celebrated by taking part in Lamorna Walk on Good Friday followed up by...

a world famous family owned Jelbert's ice cream...

nine years ago, one of Penzance's post boxes was painted gold to honour Helen Glover, daughter of Mr Jelbert when she won the first of her Olympic rowing golds...

with the cold comes little or no wind at the Jubilee Pool...

which has a mirror-like surface this morning...

as work to install a giant heat pump using geothermic energy nears completion...

accessing geothermic hot-dry rocks energy was pioneered at Rosemanowes Quarry near Penryn in Cornwall in the 1980s - many businesses, including Penwith College in Penzance have since invested in tapping into geothermic energy to save heating fuel costs...

none of which will deter the Battery Rockers, a hardy bunch of questionably sane swimmers who take to the sea at the back of the Jubilee Pool every morning (weather permitting)...

work on the pool has caused the main road along the seafront to be diverted temporarily...

a jetliner leaves a contrail across the sky minutes before the sun breaks the horizon behind the Mount...

and the sun picks out a small flurry of clouds...

a sight that proves irresistible to anyone with a camera.