
Sunday 11 March 2018

Coastal Communities Fund - big projects need big ideas.


The Coastal Communities Fund Round 5 is now open with £40 million available for spend from April 2019 to end of March 2021.
Funding goes to projects over £50,000 that will ultimately lead to regeneration and economic growth whilst directly or indirectly safeguarding and creating sustainable jobs.
Within this round 5 there are 2 separate funding rounds, each with their own timetable set out in part 7 of the guidance notes:
  • a ‘fast track’ early round for revenue projects only for which some funding will be available in 2018 to 2019. Stage 1 closing date 2 April.
  • the main funding round for which funding will be available from 1 April 2019. Stage 1 closing date 30 April.

Stage 1 application form

This is an expression of interest, following which we will identify projects that strongly fit the programme aim, outcome and priorities.
Applicants invited to Stage 2 will complete a fuller application form, and a business plan.


The round 5 guidance notes cover:
  • who can apply?
  • funding priorities & examples
  • how much can I apply for and what can the money be used for?
  • application process, assessment and decision-making
  • guidance for capital projects


Guidance for Partnerships

Published 26 February 2018