
Friday 16 March 2018

Amanda of Ladram makes it her first #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

The shiny new fish market offices are nearing completion...

on a morning that saw the buyers busy bidding on fish...

like these Dover sole...

and plaice from the beamer Filadelfia...

and hake from the maiden voyage for the latest netter to work from the port, Amanda of Ladram...

on a blazing morning...

with a handful of conger eels

and plenty of cuttles left their mark...

as the sun began to rise...

the forklifts moved in top clear the boxes...

a sure sign spring is sprung, stacks of post wait to be put aboard and taken to sea...

and, being Cornwall of course, there are plenty of daffs about...

as the Harbour Cafe shows...

a fund day for Newlyn School fish fans...

an almost perfect reflection with no wind to ruffle the harbour waters...

the new netter, Amanda of Ladram at rest...

along with the rest of the fleet...

it wont be long before the old fish market roof garden is gone.