
Monday 26 February 2018

Monday morning's market in Newlyn.

If there's always one boat you'd rather see tied up in the harbour, it's this one...

stack 'em high - another big trip of hake from the netter, Ajax on a very busy Monday morning market...

with beam two beam trawlers landing fish like this trio of brill from the Trevssa IV...

and large cod from the netter, Britannia V...

to go with a big hake landing from the Karen of Ladram...

and the Ajax...

whose trip included a handful of big hake over 7 kilos each...

not that those hake see anything to smile about...

getting into focus...

and giving it food for thought...

focusing on some solid landings of big white fish from the netting grounds way west of the Scillys where the boats picked off some coley and haddock off the higher banks...

along with the inevitable smattering of dogs...

which must have all but filled the fishroom on the Britannia V being the smallest boat in the local netting fleet...

the bulk of fish from the beam trawl fleet is largely comprised of flats like these lemons...

and Dover sole...

brill and turbot...

the odd conger...


and great to eat at this time of year, plaice...

all go to make up a typical mixed bag of fish...

while the Ajax unusually, picked up a dozen or so red bream...

and some fine pollack...

with the Brit stealing a few John Dory from under Mr Nowell's nose...

red gurnard, monk tails, scallops, pouting and whiting, just some of the 30 species of fish often landed from a single boat...

keeping an eye on auctioneer Ian, a hirsute Mr Trelawney sporting a seasonably gray woolly hat to match...

while Ms Fish for Thought enjoys a trip to Newlyn market for the first time in years...

and some of the rich pickings up for auction this morning...

before sharing some love for fish and the crisp but gorgeous morning view with fellow piscatorian, Sam...

before heading back through the breezy entrance to the market...

leaving an early morning scavenger wrestling with a fish that's way to big even for him to swallow in one...

together again...

after a bumpy ride home the port side trawl door is on the quay for repairs from the Crystal Sea.