
Monday 8 January 2018

The first Monday fish auction for Newlyn in 2018.

Laid out on the first Monday market for 2018 in Nelwyn the entire haul from a day at sea...

for the small inshore trawler, New Venture...

taking advantage like many boats of some big shoals of whiting in the Bay...

even the beam trawler, William Sampson pile don the boxes of this tasty fish...

along with a few boxes of haddock...


and Dover soles...

while in the fridge, fish from the Crystal Sea, the South West's only trawler over 18m

and another big shot of whiting from young Jmaes aboard the Bonnie Grace...

more than enough to keep the buyers interested...

where there were also a few stacks...

 of medium and small mackerel...

with the hakje netting fleet just away to sea after a week of gales it was down to the WSS to meet demand for this fabulous fish...

along with a few boxes of ray...

the buyers were busy bidding...

with fish like these red mullet making good money on a morning when many fish markets were feeling the effects of poor weather the length and breadth of the country...

the plaice season has now passed so there are just a few boxes to be enjoyed these days...

along with a handful of big flats...

and a better run of megrim...

while these spotted dogfish will all go for pot bait...

and possibly these scad too...

the next few days will see a few more of the beam trawl fleet to put in a landing...

the boxes always tell of how far the reach of fishing is within the EU...

this was one new venture that paid off...

breezy enough yet again...

as the last of the netting fleet get ready to sail...

always good to see the Ivan Ellen has not moved...

what a pair!