
Monday 15 January 2018

Monday morning market mayhem in Newlyn

Fish boxes stacked out to the market entrance this morning...

as big trips of hake...

big white fish like these cod...

from four beam trawlers, the netter Govenek of Ladram

get sales tickets on them from the buyers...

watched by some graduate students getting the lowdown from CFP stalwart, Andy Wheeler...

make for ma very busy market this morning...

which while short of bass...

still meant that auctioneer Ian was kept busy conducting the sale...

which also included some bog landings of ray...

and quality flats from the beamer, Sapphire II

packed tight against stacks of bait...

even the red mullet were stacked five boxes high...

next to a box of big witches...

with precious little room for manoeuvre the buyers crowded into spare space on the auction floor......

eyeing up some proze John Dory...

and a feast of megrim soles...

big plaice...

and even bigger Dover sole...

there were boxes of ray wherever you looked...

amongst a few boxes of ling form the Brit...

and stacks of haddock...

along with some very big cod...

while packed into the fridge were plenty of pollack...

a handful of sardines...

and most of the fish from the beamer, AA...

 which also included a good shot of ray...

there were plenty of sharks...

on the market this morning, more than enough to keep auctioneer Ryan busy...

while down the quay the Sapphire II was taking on fuel...

as the netter, Silver Dawn arrived... 

and took on repaired nets...

most of the netting fleet are back in port, like Sid's Karen of Ladram.