
Wednesday 31 January 2018

Economics of the sea. Guilvinec, stronghold of the deep-sea fishing

In 2017, the Guilvinist port confirmed its leading position on the Cornish territory.

In 2017, guilviniste port confirmed its leading position on the Cornish territory.

With 46.5% of the total tonnage of Cornish ports in 2017, the Port guilviniste consolidates its leadership in the area. For its part, Concarneau relies on coastal fishing.

Despite a fall of 1.22% in tonnage compared to 2016, offset by values ​​up 1%, Guilvinec the port remains the flagship of Cornwall with its deep sea fishing. With 15,043 tons, guilviniste auction alone represents 80% of the volume of offshore sales Cornish.

Regularity and value

The reasons for this confirmation? First, with 34 boats, 11 of which are owned by Bigouden Armament, 75% of the Cornish offshore fleet is based in Guilvinec. Loctudy has nine ships, against only one in Concarneau and Saint-Guénolé ...

"The Guilvinec is today a high-end seafood market place with high volumes, a regularity in inputs and good values", explains Christophe Hamel, director of auctions in Cornwall at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Metropolitan France. West Brittany (CCIMBO).

Read also: Pleasure in Guilvinec, the port is a territorial asset

Not to mention the trawlers outside, from Concarneau, Lorient or Ireland for example, which alone accounted for 1,000 tons in 2017. "The courses are good in Guilvinec and the location of its port relative to the fishing grounds is also an advantage,  " says Robert Bouguéon, former president of the local fisheries committee of Saint-Guénolé Penmarc'h. Offshore strike force of course, but also dynamic coastal with about forty boats for a result of 2650 tons in 2017.

Guilvinec also offers reassuring sales capacities for shipowners. Evidenced by the presence of 205 buyers, including 144 registered in Guil. In a context where the share of distance selling is increasing: 58% in 2017 against 54% the previous year.

To ensure a service at the height of this pole position, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry deploys 42% of these staff related to Cornish fishing ports, or about fifty employees. And a vast modernization of the port and fish market is recorded over the next eight years, for an amount of 10.5 million euros.

As part of a global investment program of € 28.6 million at the scale of Cornish fishing ports.

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The Guilvinec hub of the Cornish peach, okay. But this supremacy in no way alters the activity of other Cornish ports that develop, them through other fisheries. "The ports of the territory specialize," confirms Christophe Hamel.

Like Concarneau who, in less than ten years, made a big change in his fleet to count today a single offshore and 120 coastal. "This port has become a popular coastal selling place including itinerant fishmongers," says the director of Cornish auctions.

"A nice card to play"

Loctudy, on the other hand, still has a mixed offshore-coastal fleet. A real difference with the port of Saint-Guénolé Penmarc'h now in a strong coastal dynamics coupled with a beautiful activity in blue fish.

Douarnenez, port of landing, always ensures Bolinche side and Audierne remains faithful to its beautiful reputation in liners and gillnetters.

"The coastal fishery has a nice playing card," says Christophe Hamel. In a context where the offshore world will, in the short term, face a problem of renewal of its flotilla, a massive number of retirements and the consequences of the worrying Brexit. Flotilla that could decrease by 5% over the next eight years.

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