
Friday 15 December 2017

The last #FishyFriday of 2017 in Nelwyn

With the last tide of the year the netters were keen to get some fish on the market for the weekend, traditionally big hake made huge prices years ago when the Spanish market was at its strongest - many families in Spain celebrate Christmas day with a big hake fit to feed an extended family...

there were just a few kilos of cuttles making nearly £6 a kilo...

while big hake for the Govenek of Ladram made over £6!..

and turbot over £20...

the William Sampson Stevenson landed plenty of pout - one of those underutilised species that is being pushed by Sainsburys - the skipper and crew also donated 100kg of haddock to the Newlyn Harbour Lights making over £3 a kilo - nice one guys!!...

claspers, the  reproductive organs of the male ray species are formidable looking and filled with sharp cartilaginous barbs...

auctioneer Ian pushing prices...

some top quality restaurant dining for some this weekend...

a brace of monk tails from the WSS...

despite the poor weather some of the handliners...

 were able to get stuck into a few mackerel over in St Ives...

as was one of the Newlyn boys who toughed it out too...

more keen bidding on the beam trawl fish from the St Georges...

especially for the Dovers...

while the few big cod from the netter, Stellissa made good money...

number two on the Sainsburys shopping list for underutilised fish, spur dogs or rock salmon as they used to be known in chip shops...

big tubs would make a great Xmas feast, ask your fish merchant to get some!...

and at the moment there is plenty of haddock - not that you would think so with the news that next year's haddock quota for ICES Area 7b-k has been reduced by 11% - unbelievable...

its Nelwyn fish market in full swing...

as auctioneer Ian conducts the orchestra, Edwin checks back with base...

storm clouds are gathering...

as the big steel trawler, Tranquility spends another night tied up.