
Saturday 16 December 2017

EU Fisheries Council press conference following the 2018 TAC negotiations.

Fisheries in the EU:

"2018 will be a crucial year in the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy objectives. With this decision we have taken a clear step towards sustainable management of our fish stocks, while making sure that the agreement benefits our fishermen and coastal communities."

Siim Kiisler, Minister for the Environment of the Republic of Estonia

The Council reached a political agreement on a regulation concerning the 2018 fishing opportunities for the main commercial fish stocks in the Atlantic and the North Sea.

As a result of this Council decision, the number of fish stocks managed at maximum sustainable yield (MSY) levels will increase next year to 53, 9 more than in 2017. The agreement also foresees solutions for the critical state of eel and seabass stocks.

The agreement will apply as from 1 January 2018.