
Thursday 7 December 2017

Can you help Newlyn Archive which has been chosen for the next round of the Co-op Local Community Fund?!

At the heart of Newlyn, the old Newlyn Post Office is now home to the Newlyn Archive.

Good news! The Newlyn Archive has been chosen for the next round of the Co-op Local Community Fund.

The funding started in November and goes on for a year. The following information from the Co-op Local Fund Community Team explains how it works:

Every time members shop at the Co-op, 1% of what they spend on selected own-brand products and services goes to the Co-op Local Community Fund. We'll also give you and the other causes in your community an equal share of the money we raise from sales of carrier bags. Members of your local community will be able to select your cause for funding by following the instructions below.

Click on the box below and that will take you to the website where you can log on to your membership account to select the Newlyn Archive or go to the website

For those who cannot access online membership you can either phone 0800 023 4708 or call into any Co-op store and a member of staff will be only to happy to help.

The latest publication from the Archive would make an excellent Christmas gift!

The Story of Newlyn Harbour

Cover FrontPam Lomax and Linda Holmes (Editors)
Published by the Newlyn Archive in 2017
52 pages
49 illustrations
ISBN 978 0 9567528 3 3
Price £8.00
Download the order form (PDF format)
Introduction. A The Old Quay. Building the South Pier. Building the North Pier. Creating an Infrastructure. Newlyn Harbour in WW1 Newlyn Harbour in WW2. Post War Development. Surname Index