
Sunday 17 December 2017

Bart's Fish Tales with Sardines and Hake

Hot off the press is this new cook book from Dutch chef, Bart van Olphen.  Bart actively promotes cooking with sustainable seafood and has done so for many years. He was presented with the title of the world s most sustainable seafood entrepreneur in 2008, and travels the world looking for the stories behind the fish. Fishing communities all over the globe have inspired him to develop a range of fish products that tell their stories.  He is also about to start presenting on Jamie Oliver s Food Tube Network...

While researching for his latest book, Fish Tales, which saw him travel the world...

looking for sustainably caught fish to cook with, he happened upon Newlyn...

and as everyone knows...

and at this time of year when you need to keep up your Omega-3 input and what better way to do it than by making sure you get the freshest fish from Newlyn's fleet of Cornish sardine boats...

 seen her landing on Sunday...

it's nothing for 2-Kit to shift 3 tubs of sardines without breaking sweat...

and there are several sardine recipes to enjoy from the Newlyn chapter of the book...

as well as images of those who help put fish on the people's plates like auctioneer...

 and part-time fisherman, Ryan 'Wiffer' Ladd...

enjoying a little joshing on the quay...

while a familiar face from the past lends a hand...

for the punt men like father of the fleet, Dennis Pascoe aboard the Sprigs of Heather heading in to landing their fish ahead of the gill netter Ajax...

which sees young Aaron Williams happy in his work down the fishroom helping...

to pout ashore their last trip of hake for the year...

sans barb MSC Certified hake netter skipper Alan Dwan also stars in the Nelwyn section of Bart's book having provided the fish for some superb hake recipes... 

while Alan is just about to get his complimentary Fish Shop insulated fish frail...

crew member Matt is looking forward to the Christmas break after working through 8s, 9s and 10s this week...

as will all the guys aboard the port's top trawler, Crystal Sea.