
Wednesday 8 November 2017

Mid week market in Newlyn.

First light sees the punts head for a mackerel mark off Battery Rocks...

Vesta, the latest sardine is being made ready...

skipper Peter hopes to set the port on fire with her landings...

the newest Tegen Mor is back in action...

the gulls know its first light...

as they wheel over the harbour...

looking for an easy breakfast...

as the big spring tide drops away the netters queue to take ice...

with lines at the ready...

to heave ashore...

under the watchful eyes of the skipper...

looks like rain say some...

while the boys on the Ajax begin to take on a fresh set of boxes for their hake...

Matt takes control up for'ard...

just the one boat landed on the market this morning, the AA had a part trip with half of it being cuttles...

while the doors are open...

there are always one or two lazy birds...

with an eye on an easy breakfast...

before the boxes of fish are whisked away...

leaving Lionel to do his pressure-washer thing...

though his years as a pool player seem to lend style to his work...

the handliners seem to be getting good shots of mackerel in...

the latest book from the Newlyn Archive has just been published - Through the Gaps will be posting a review shortly...

at least one half of the market is sporting a new roof...

while out in the bay yet another heavy shower passes.